ホーム 計算ツール


These include those focused libraries of small-molecule compounds with their specific applications (Antibiotics Library, CNS-Penetrant Compound Library, DNA Damage & Repair Compound Library, Neural Regeneration Compound Library, PPI Inhibitors Library, etc.).

カタログ番号 製品名
L7500 Coagulation and Anticoagulation Compound Library A unique collection of 154 procoagulation and anticoagulation related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 154 compounds
L7000 Bioactive Lipid Compound Library A unique collection of 385 bioactive lipids related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS), including Agonists & Antagonists, Endocannabinoids, Farnesyl/geranylgeranyl derivates, HETEs deHETEs, hepoxilins, Polyunsa 385 compounds
L9001 Food Additive Library 430 food additives; 430 compounds
L7700 Neural Regeneration Compound Library A unique collection of 149 neuroregeneration related compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 529 compounds
L2900 Oxidation-Reduction Compound Library 1279 small molecule compounds with pro-oxidant or anti-oxidant activity for high-throughput and high-content screening. 1279 compounds
L2540 Gut Microbial Metabolite Library A unique collection of 614 gut microbial metabolites which can be used for HTS and HCS; 614 compounds
L9411 Cysteine Covalent Library The cysteine ​​covalent library contains 72 compounds. 72 compounds
L5800 Drug Metabolite/Impurity Library A unique collection of 200 drug isomers/metabolites for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 200 compounds
L9600 Peptide Compound Library 800 peptides can be used in peptide drug development and signaling transduction and mechanism study; 800 compounds
L5900 CNS-Penetrant Compound Library A unique collection of 516 CNS-Penetrant compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 516 compounds
L9820 Beta-Lactam Compound Library A unique collection of 105 beta-lactam compounds, can be used in HTS and HCS; 105 compounds
L5510 Drug-induced Liver Injury (DILI) Compound Library A unique collection of 1040 hepatotoxicity causing compounds, a powerful tool for drug toxicity study, can be used for HTS and HCS screening; 1040 compounds
L9210 Pediatric Drug Library A unique collection of 1015 pediatric drugs for high-throughput screening and high-content screening. 1015 compounds
L2510 Lipid Metabolism Compound Library A unique collection of 496 compounds targeting lipid metabolism, can be used for high-throughput screening (HTS) and high-content screening (HCS). 496 compounds
L2521 Glycolysis Compound Library 560 glycolysis-related active compounds for high-throughput and high-content screening. 560 compounds
L4900 Cardiotoxicity Compound Library A unique collection of 132 cardiotoxicity inducing compounds for toxicological study; 132 compounds
L3100 Hematopoietic Toxicity Compound Library A unique collection of 104 compounds with defined hematopoietic toxicity for high throughput and high content drug screening; 104 compounds
L9610 Cyclic Peptide Library 58 species of cyclic peptide molecules for high-throughput and high-content screening; 58 compounds
L3500 Histone Modification Compound Library A unique collection of 480 histone modification related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 480 compounds
L5500 Toxic Compound Library A unique collection of 277 toxic substances for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 277 compounds
L5100 Fluorochemical Library A unique collection of 583 fluorochemicals that can be used for high through-put screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 583 compounds
L2400 Endocrinology-Hormone Compound Library A unique collection of 813 compounds targeting endocrine system for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS) for new drugs; 813 compounds
L2560 Metabolism Compound Library A unique collection of 2350 metabolic pathway-related bioactive small molecule compounds for high-throughput, high-content screening. 2350 compounds
L2570 Human Metabolite Library A unique collection of 4532 human metabolites for high-throughput, high-content screening. 4532 compounds
L9500 Target-Focused Phenotypic Screening Library A unique collection of 1832 annotated bioactive compounds with clear targets, suitable for phenotypic screening; 1832 compounds
L4020 NO PAINS Compound Library TargetMol created the L4020 NO-PAINS Compound Library that applied the PAINS filter, remaining 9555 small molecules that are suitable for new drug development, signaling pathway research, drug repurposing and other research. 9555 compounds
L2910 Antioxidant Compound Library Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a biological system's ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. In humans, oxidative stress is thought to be involved in the development of atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, cancer, infection etc. Antioxidants are a class of compounds that counteract oxidative stress and reduce oxidative damage. The TargetMol Antioxidant Compound Library is a unique collection of 1330 small molecules with inhibitory effects on oxidative stress and is a useful tool for high-throughput screening and high-content screening in the study of oxidative stress. 1330 compounds
L8110 Reprogramming Compound Library A unique collection of 1840 reprogramming signaling pathway-related bioactive small molecule compounds for high-throughput, high-content screening. 1840 compounds
L9230 ReFRAME Related Library A unique collection of 3274 compounds for high-throughput screening and high-content screening, 3274 compounds
L4400 Antibiotics Library A unique collection of 708 compounds with antibiotic activity for new antibacterial drug screening; 708 compounds
L7900 Osteogenesis Compound Library A unique collection of 320 osteogenesis related compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 320 compounds
L3980 DNA Damage and Repair Compound Library Plus Well-chosen 667 compounds with unique structures targeting DNA damage & repair; 667 compounds
L9300 Macrocyclic Compound Library 216 macrocyclic compounds of known activity for high-throughput, high-content screening; 216 compounds
L1720 Nucleotide Compound Library A unique collection of 337 nucleoside and nucleotide analogues, can be used for research and development of anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-fungal, and anti-depressive drugs; 337 compounds
L2500 Human Endogenous Metabolite Library A collection of 508 selected human endogenous metabolites for high throughput and high content screening. 508 compounds
L2520 Glycometabolism Compound Library 708 glycometabolism-related comounds, can be used for HTS and HCT; 708 compounds
L2550 Glutamine Metabolism Compound Library A unique collection of 580 glutamine metabolism related compounds can be used for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS), and also is an effective tool for research in glutamine metabolism and cancer; 580 compounds
L9850 Orally Active Compound Library A unique collection of 2484 of orally active compounds for high-throughput screening and high-content screening. 2484 compounds
L8000 Stem Cell Differentiation Compound Library A unique collection of 1213 stem cell differentiation signaling targeted compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 1213 compounds
L1380 Transcription Factor-Targeted Compound Library Well-chosen 704 compounds with unique structures targeting transcription factor; 704 compounds
L2530 Mouse Metabolite Compound Library A unique collection of 224 mouse metabolites, which can be used for HTS and HCS; 224 compounds
L9400 PPI Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 490 PPI-related compounds for drug screening; 490 compounds
L9900 Inactive Ingredient Library A Collection of 184 inactive ingredients from FDA-approved drugs. 184 compounds
L8300 Chromatin Modification Compound Library A unique collection of 256 compounds targeting chromatin remodeling pathway for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 256 compounds
L9410 Covalent Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 1949 covalent Inhibitors and other molecules with common warheads like chloroacetyl,2-Chloropropionyl,Acryloyl,sulfonyl fluoride, alkyne,acrylamide, ketocarbonyl,disulfide bond, etc. 1949 compounds
Coagulation and Anticoagulation Compound Library
L7500 compounds - 154
Bioactive Lipid Compound Library
L7000 compounds - 385
Food Additive Library
L9001 compounds - 430
Neural Regeneration Compound Library
L7700 compounds - 529
Oxidation-Reduction Compound Library
L2900 compounds - 1279
Gut Microbial Metabolite Library
L2540 compounds - 614
Cysteine Covalent Library
L9411 compounds - 72
Drug Metabolite/Impurity Library
L5800 compounds - 200
Peptide Compound Library
L9600 compounds - 800
CNS-Penetrant Compound Library
L5900 compounds - 516
Beta-Lactam Compound Library
L9820 compounds - 105
Drug-induced Liver Injury (DILI) Compound Library
L5510 compounds - 1040
Pediatric Drug Library
L9210 compounds - 1015
Lipid Metabolism Compound Library
L2510 compounds - 496
Glycolysis Compound Library
L2521 compounds - 560
Cardiotoxicity Compound Library
L4900 compounds - 132
Hematopoietic Toxicity Compound Library
L3100 compounds - 104
Cyclic Peptide Library
L9610 compounds - 58
Histone Modification Compound Library
L3500 compounds - 480
Toxic Compound Library
L5500 compounds - 277
Fluorochemical Library
L5100 compounds - 583
Endocrinology-Hormone Compound Library
L2400 compounds - 813
Metabolism Compound Library
L2560 compounds - 2350
Human Metabolite Library
L2570 compounds - 4532
Target-Focused Phenotypic Screening Library
L9500 compounds - 1832
NO PAINS Compound Library
L4020 compounds - 9555
Antioxidant Compound Library
L2910 compounds - 1330
Reprogramming Compound Library
L8110 compounds - 1840
ReFRAME Related Library
L9230 compounds - 3274
Antibiotics Library
L4400 compounds - 708
Osteogenesis Compound Library
L7900 compounds - 320
DNA Damage and Repair Compound Library Plus
L3980 compounds - 667
Macrocyclic Compound Library
L9300 compounds - 216
Nucleotide Compound Library
L1720 compounds - 337
Human Endogenous Metabolite Library
L2500 compounds - 508
Glycometabolism Compound Library
L2520 compounds - 708
Glutamine Metabolism Compound Library
L2550 compounds - 580
Orally Active Compound Library
L9850 compounds - 2484
Stem Cell Differentiation Compound Library
L8000 compounds - 1213
Transcription Factor-Targeted Compound Library
L1380 compounds - 704
Mouse Metabolite Compound Library
L2530 compounds - 224
PPI Inhibitor Library
L9400 compounds - 490
Inactive Ingredient Library
L9900 compounds - 184
Chromatin Modification Compound Library
L8300 compounds - 256
Covalent Inhibitor Library
L9410 compounds - 1949