ホーム 計算ツール

標的/経路別 化合物ライブラリー

A target-focused library is a screening collection of compounds specifically tailored to modulate the function of a particular target or a protein family. These libraries not only reduce waste by eliminating compounds that are unlikely to bind to target proteins, but often lead to the increased potency and specificity of binders, as demonstrated for c-Src kinase. Compared to large and diverse screening libraries, using relatively small and targeted collections significantly improves the odds of finding potential drug candidates, thus further reduces the costs of drug discovery.

カタログ番号 製品名
L2600 Neuronal Signaling Compound Library A unique collection of 2540 compounds targeting CNS signaling for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS) for new drugs; 2540 compounds
L2300 Ion Channel Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 946 compounds targeting ion channels for research in ion channels-related diseases and ion channel drug discovery; 946 compounds
L9100 Phosphatase Inhibitor Library A collection of 80 phosphatase inhibitors with known activity; 80 compounds
L2000 Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 8418 inhibitors for research in cell signaling, high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS) for new drugs; 8418 compounds
L1310 Cytoskeletal Signaling Pathway Compound Library A unique collection of 773 cytoskeleton-related compounds, can be used for HTS and HCS; 773 compounds
L1580 GPCR Compound Library Plus Well-chosen 338 GPCR targeting compounds with unique structures; 338 compounds
L9700 Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Compound Library A unique collection of 193 endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) related compounds used for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 193 compounds
L1600 Kinase Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 2720 kinase inhibitors/regulators for high throughput screening and high content screening for drug discovery in kinase related diseases; 2720 compounds
L2200 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 1033 tyrosine kinase inhibitors for high throughput screening and high content screening for drug discovery in tyrosine kinase related diseases; 1033 compounds
L1400 MAPK Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 367 compounds targeting MAPK signaling for drug discovery in MAPK related diseases; 367 compounds
L3700 JAK-STAT Compound Library A unique collection of 256 JAK/STAT signaling targeted compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 256 compounds
L7300 Potassium Channel Blocker Library A unique collection of 160 potassium channel blockers and agonists for high throughput and high content screening; 160 compounds
L1100 Protease Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 344 protease and proteasome inhibitors for research in chemical genomics, and drug screening; 344 compounds
L8710 Cuproptosis Compound Library TargetMol’s Cuproptosis Compound Library is a collection of 411 compounds related to copper-dependent death that can be used to study its mechanism and related diseases. 411 compounds
L1300 PI3K-AKT-mTOR Compound Library A unique collection of 425 compounds targeting PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling for research in PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling, and drug discovery in diseases involved with PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling; 425 compounds
L2610 Neurotransmitter Receptor Compound Library A unique collection of 1513 neurotransmitter receptor compounds, can be used for HTS and HCS screening; 1513 compounds
L1200 Epigenetics Compound Library Well-chosen 960 compounds related to epigenetic regulation for research in epigenetics, high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS) for new drugs; 960 compounds
L8500 HIF-1 Signaling Pathway Compound Library A unique collection of 1352 HIF-1 related small chemicals can be used for drug discovery in ischemic disease and cancer and related mechanism studies; 1352 compounds
L9000 Apoptosis Compound Library A unique collection of 1796 apoptosis-related compounds for apoptosis research, research in tumorigenesis, and anti-cancer drug screening; 1796 compounds
L7200 Calcium Channel Compound Library A unique collection of 143 calcium channel blockers and agonists for high throughput and high content screening; 143 compounds
L1610 FDA-Approved Kinase Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 266 kinase inhibitors/regulators for specific targeting of kinases, ready for high-throughput screening and high-content screening. 266 compounds
L4800 Angiogenesis related Compound Library A unique collection of 1370 proangiogenic and antiangiogenic compounds for new targets identification, research in mechanisms of angiogenesis, and high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1370 compounds
L9420 Exosome Compound Library 80 exosome-related compounds that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 80 compounds
L2700 Adrenergic Receptor-Targeted Compound Library A unique collection of 219 bioactive compounds specifically targeting adrenergic receptors, effective tool for screening new drugs or new target identification; 219 compounds
L8720 Pyroptosis Compound Library 1077 types of active small molecules associated with pyroptosis for high-throughput and high-content screening. 1077 compounds
L8700 Ferroptosis Compound Library A unique collection of 800 ferroptosis signaling pathway related compounds, a powerful tool for new target identification, drug discovery, and mechanism study; 800 compounds
L4300 Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch Compound Library A unique collection of 240 Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch signaling targeted compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 240 compounds
L3200 Autophagy Compound Library A unique collection of 1248 compounds with defined autophagy-inducing or -inhibitory activity for research in autophagy, high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS) for new drugs; 1248 compounds
L1510 Nuclear Receptor Compound Library A unique collection of 546 nuclear receptor signaling targeted compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 546 compounds
L4100 TGF-beta/Smad Compound Library A unique collection of 185 TGF-beta/Smad signaling targeted compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 185 compounds
L3600 Cytokine Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 613 compounds targeting cytokine signaling for high throughput screening and high content screening for drug discovery; 613 compounds
L7600 Chemokine Inhibitor Library A unique collection of 59 chemokines or chemokine receptors targeted compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 59 compounds
L8100 Cell Cycle Compound Library A unique collection of 695 cell cycle related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 695 compounds
L5300 Mitochondria-Targeted Compound Library A unique collection of 830 promising or approved mitochondria-targeted compounds including Idebenone, the only approved drug targeting mitochondria, for research in mitochondrial medicine; 830 compounds
L3300 Histamine & Melatonin Receptor-Targeted Compound Library A unique collection of 155 compounds targeting histaminergic receptor and melatonin receptor for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS) for new drugs; 155 compounds
L7400 Sodium Channel Blocker Library A unique collection of 128 sodium channel blockers and agonists for high throughput and high content screening; 128 compounds
L1120 AMPK-Targeted Compound Library 80 well-chosen unique AMPK-targeted small molecules; 80 compounds
L1110 Microtubule-Targeted Compound Library A unique collection of 155 microtubule-targeted compounds can be used in HTS and HCS; 155 compounds
L1500 GPCR Compound Library A unique collection of 1940 GPCR-active agents for high throughput screening and high content screening for GPCR drug discovery, and new GPCR target identification and research; 1940 compounds
L3800 NF-κB Signaling Compound Library A unique collection of 740 compounds targeting NF-κB signaling for high throughput screening and high content screening; 740 compounds
L8600 Ubiquitination Compound Library A unique collection of 214 ubiquitination related small chemicals can be used for high throughput and high content screening; 214 compounds
L3900 DNA Damage & Repair Compound Library A unique collection of 937 DNA Damage & Repair related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 937 compounds
L2800 Serotonin Receptor-Targeted Compound Library A unique collection of 275 compounds targeting serotonin receptors for high throughput screening and high content screening; 275 compounds
L3510 Methylation Compound Library 131 methylation-related compounds that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 131 compounds
Neuronal Signaling Compound Library
L2600 compounds - 2540
Ion Channel Inhibitor Library
L2300 compounds - 946
Phosphatase Inhibitor Library
L9100 compounds - 80
Inhibitor Library
L2000 compounds - 8418
Cytoskeletal Signaling Pathway Compound Library
L1310 compounds - 773
GPCR Compound Library Plus
L1580 compounds - 338
Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Compound Library
L9700 compounds - 193
Kinase Inhibitor Library
L1600 compounds - 2720
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Library
L2200 compounds - 1033
MAPK Inhibitor Library
L1400 compounds - 367
JAK-STAT Compound Library
L3700 compounds - 256
Potassium Channel Blocker Library
L7300 compounds - 160
Protease Inhibitor Library
L1100 compounds - 344
Cuproptosis Compound Library
L8710 compounds - 411
PI3K-AKT-mTOR Compound Library
L1300 compounds - 425
Neurotransmitter Receptor Compound Library
L2610 compounds - 1513
Epigenetics Compound Library
L1200 compounds - 960
HIF-1 Signaling Pathway Compound Library
L8500 compounds - 1352
Apoptosis Compound Library
L9000 compounds - 1796
Calcium Channel Compound Library
L7200 compounds - 143
FDA-Approved Kinase Inhibitor Library
L1610 compounds - 266
Angiogenesis related Compound Library
L4800 compounds - 1370
Exosome Compound Library
L9420 compounds - 80
Adrenergic Receptor-Targeted Compound Library
L2700 compounds - 219
Pyroptosis Compound Library
L8720 compounds - 1077
Ferroptosis Compound Library
L8700 compounds - 800
Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch Compound Library
L4300 compounds - 240
Autophagy Compound Library
L3200 compounds - 1248
Nuclear Receptor Compound Library
L1510 compounds - 546
TGF-beta/Smad Compound Library
L4100 compounds - 185
Cytokine Inhibitor Library
L3600 compounds - 613
Chemokine Inhibitor Library
L7600 compounds - 59
Cell Cycle Compound Library
L8100 compounds - 695
Mitochondria-Targeted Compound Library
L5300 compounds - 830
Histamine & Melatonin Receptor-Targeted Compound Library
L3300 compounds - 155
Sodium Channel Blocker Library
L7400 compounds - 128
AMPK-Targeted Compound Library
L1120 compounds - 80
Microtubule-Targeted Compound Library
L1110 compounds - 155
GPCR Compound Library
L1500 compounds - 1940
NF-κB Signaling Compound Library
L3800 compounds - 740
Ubiquitination Compound Library
L8600 compounds - 214
DNA Damage & Repair Compound Library
L3900 compounds - 937
Serotonin Receptor-Targeted Compound Library
L2800 compounds - 275
Methylation Compound Library
L3510 compounds - 131