ホーム 計算ツール


Euphorbiaceae is a large and diverse family, which comprises about 300 genera, and is known as an important source of medicines and toxins. Euphorbia ebracteolata Hayata, as a traditional medicine, is widely distributed in China, Korea and Japan. In China, the dried root of this plant is named 'langdu'. It is traditionally used to treat oedema, skin ulcers, abdominal distension, cough, asthma, tuberculosis swelling and other diseases. Previous studies have found that the chemical constituents of E. ebracteolata are mainly concentrated in terpenoids, acetophenones, and flavonoids. Both extracts and pure compounds from E. ebracteolata were found to possess many pharmacological activities, such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial effects.

Suregada属 パラゴムノキ属 シラキ属 アカメガシワ属 ハズ属 エラテリオスペルルム属 カンコノキ属 Endospermum属 ヒトツバハギ属 Trigonostemon属 オオバギ属 ナンヨウアブラギリ属 トウダイグサ属 セイシボク属 Garcia属 コミカンソウ属 Ricinus属 Breynia属